Part 15: Day 4 Part 1: Beltane
Hello! It's the big day! May Day, or Beltane- the day that this whole town has been talking about ever since Nigel got here a few days ago. Saxton loves its May Day! The townsfolk have been promising a Fayre with rides, a raffle, a treasure hunt, and more. It sounds fun, doesn't it? But I'm going to share a little secret with you.... the Fayre is actually the scene of this game's greatest horror.This portion of the game is pretty fun to play, so I hope you enjoy this update.
Nigel awakens to a sunny day (it is at least 2pm, accoding to a sign we'll find later). The nightmare room and out-of-time experience of the previous night seem very distant right now. He makes a to-do list:
I think the hold that May Day has over the people is that it's kind of a fun holiday!
Last night we left our gadgets on the windowsill to see if they'd capture anything (as if we don't have enough evidence that Harbour Cottage is haunted all to hell and back), so let's pick those up:
Of course some are missing! But let's look at the new photo:
Why can't these creeps just leave us alone? I guess if standing around in the middle of the night is the worst they can do to Nigel right now, that's not so bad.
Nigel heads downstairs, and as usual we hear the clunk of a delivery through the mail slot:
Nothing out of the ordinary here!
We're still looking for our missing gadgets though. I find one in the bathroom:
... but the other is nowhere to be found. Not upstairs, not in the living room, not in the bathroom or kitchen. There's no place else in the house to check, except...
Huh! I suppose that explains why that corner of the house smells bad...
You know what, this isn't looking very good. Let's check out that thing in the corner.
There's a number pad on it. Nigel received a mysterious message from beyond the grave last night, consisting of "3-4-1-8," and I think I know what to do with it!
Ta-daaaa! This must be Edward Molina's safe, the naughty smuggler. I'm not sure why he kept a bad photocopy of his wife's glamour shot in there, seems a litle roundabout to me. He also kept a revolver (now rusted- Bob Tawny can't fix that, even if Nigel wanted it), another diary, and an EMF meter. No wait, that's our EMF meter.
Molina wasn't a fan of May Day or Saxton, in the end. Who can blame him? Well, I could, considering that it kind of seems like all the house water being stagnant seawater would be a noticeable thing, but maybe not. Anyway, this seems like it might be the end of Edward and Christina's sad story.
We can take a closer look at Christina's picture with the camcorder....
I spy another symbol. It seems like there were some innocent victims in Saxton's past, and they hold the pieces to some kind of puzzle. By helping them, Nigel is unlocking it.
We can't get an audio recording from it. It seems there's nothing more to do in here, so let's go check out the town.
I like May Day in Saxton, the sky is blue and it brightens up the game considerably. Everything looks much more cheerful and bright. As this is England, we should appreciate the beautiful clear sky when we can get it- the most unrealistic thing about this game is that it hasn't rained yet.
Notice the loudspeakers set up- they're all over town. It looks like Professor Oogle is in charge of them, because every so often while we wander around, we hear a chime and Oogle pipes in with a little announcement. It's like the whole town is his museum today! He must be pretty excited.
Before we head down to Saxton Beach, let's see what's up around town.
But how will Nigel steal books???
I try and get breakfast, but it looks like The Lighthouse and this section of town are closed.
Before I forget, do you remember way back when we first arrived in Saxton, Nigel picked up one of those Missing Cats posters? It has a telephone number on it, which means we can call it at some point in the game. We do kind of have some information about them... so I use the town's phonebox to dial the Cat Watch line.
Haha, I don't think any of those options are what I want, are they? Let's just tell them it's Hardacre.
Bob has closed the smithy and we don't have any snacks for Cairan, so let's just carry on to Celtic Corner....
For some reason, the crystal ball has been replaced with an elaborate little globe. We haven't got any new photos for the contest, so we'll just compare our new symbols to the old book:
All right. I've put off the horror long enough. I wasn't kidding when I said the Fayre was the most traumatic scene in the entire game. Are you ready?
Almost there....
Let's see what other horrors await us at the Fayre.
Why, it's a good old Punch and Judy show! Nice, wholesome entertainment! It's even suitable for our rival Saxton Snapper.
This is actually a pretty boring show. The cutouts just move around slightly and a suspiciously Jemima-like high pitched babbling and giggling makes up the speech. This isn't the banned entertainment I was promised.
Lucy is in good... SPIRITS today. Nigel hits on her the best way he knows how:
Lucy gives Nigel a ride on her ghost train... Watch this video to experience the fright of your life!!! (30 seconds)
Here's Nanny Noah's treasure hunt (I'm not sure how she expects anyone to complete it if the museum's closed):
We can have a go at the Lucky Dip, which is a British thing where you get really crap prizes:
Nigel doesn't want to keep any of them except the old silver spoon. Why is that?
Aha.... convenient!
As we talk to Morgan, images swirl inside the crystal ball (borrowed from Celtic Corner, no doubt). Most of it is "stock footage" like the museum videos, probably taken by Boakes when he was scouting locations- but occasionally we'll get a glimpse of Nigel doing something in a game scene, not all of them we've seen yet!
I don't think a single one of the townspeople has encouraged Nigel to find the crown.
No sooner have we exited the caravan than Oogle uses his powers of loudspeaker to announce:
Hey that's us! Nanny Noah said it was a lucky ticket. Let's go find the raffle booth.
Unfortunately there is no option to ask Nanny Noah whether Bob Tawny has given her some of his pork yet.
Let's say hi to the good Professor Oogle.
Do you think this was drawn by Dr. Black? We've seen mention of Ulcombe before, but Nigel hasn't found it yet. Perhaps this painting is the little clue we need- it mentions the lighthouse can see Ulcombe Town.
Aww, looks like Oogle is on our side after all! Pretty generous of him, after what we've done. Now I feel a little bad for not having Nigel donate to the museum's fund, even though there was never an ability for me to do so.
Oh yeah, the telescope! We should ask Bob about that.
Time's a wastin', let's head over to the lighthouse and see if we can find Ulcombe. We're running out of local mysteries to solve, time to expand further afield.
Paying our respects to Cairan.
We could also see that memorial when we were fooling with Hardacre's sextant, but I guess since Nigel couldn't also see the church tower it wasn't of interest.
Turns out if we just kept walking down the path we'd have found it, it's just that Nigel is a ninny and wouldn't do it.
Yay another country church! There probably aren't any ghosts here, that would just be TOO much coincidence.